Get more reviews online and manage your reputation with our automated software.


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53% of people preferred only 4 star experiences and better.
82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, 52% say they always read reviews.
Those that read reviews, 97% of them read businesses response to reviews.
90% of consumers use the internet to find a business, a third of those looking everyday.


Create goals for the past, present and future! Easily setup a target number of reviews within your desired date range.
Easily view the reviews that were captured within your goals desired target range.
Goals have a summary page that display detailed graphs about how your performing within the goal targets.
Managing your reputation has never been easier.
Connect with Customers
We, as people, are more likely to open and read a text message than email. Open up a new method of direct SMS communication with your customers.
Customized Widgets
After setting up the account, you will gain access to a list of customized widgets. These widgets include a unique Revu Certification badge, a list of reviews and more!
Get Discovered Online
Reviews and online reputation have been proven to directly influence sales. We strive to provide you with more positive customer experiences shared online.
Growth Monitoring
Monitoring your online reputation just became easier. We provide visual graphs and key performing statistics to show you how well you're being viewed by potential customers.
Review Recaps
The software automatically stores reviews left by customers. This gives you a lifetime archive of what people have experienced with your business. Use this data to improve customer experience.
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